Then August I Never Want To Go Back To | Teen Ink

Then August I Never Want To Go Back To

April 10, 2013
By dustyellen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
dustyellen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

August 19th 430am
She just started screaming
“Brittany Brittany Noooo”
I jumped out up out of bed with no hesitation.
I ran in to my mom’s room.
She looked at me with teary eyes
I wondered what could have been wrong.
Why was she screaming my older cousin’s name?
I just looked at her with confusion.
She burst in to tears.
With a few breathes she screamed it out.
My cousin Brittany Leigh Judy was killed that morning.
My Mother’s god daughter was killed that morning.
My Cousins sister was killed that morning.
My Aunt and Uncles Daughter was killed that morning.
Chads fiancé was killed that morning.
Lincoln Elementary school teacher was killed that morning.
Our friend was killed that morning.

Car accident 12:19 that morning,
She was gone.
No words spoken
Yet so many powerful and painful tears cried.
My mom and I laid in bed all day.
My heart was breaking more and more as the day went on.
It was not only breaking for my mom and I.
My heart was truly breaking for my 2 Cousins, Aunt, and Uncle.
A lost daughter,
A lost Sister,
A lost Teacher,
A lost Granddaughter,
A lost Niece,
A lost cousin,
A lost fiancé,
But most of all a lost friend
It has been 6 months and we are all still at a loss for words.
Everyone still cries
Everyone still asks god why?
We will never get an answer.
But we will see you again.
I do not know when but when our time is called we will see you at the doors of heaven.
Watch over us and keep us safe Brittany.
You aren’t just a cousin or a daughter anymore,
You are a Guardian Angel.

The author's comments:
My cousin whom was also my mothers god daughter passed away this last August her death and memory inspired me to write this poem, it was hard and there was a few tears shed but I believe writing this poem may have helped me heal in some weird way.

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