A Late Summer Night | Teen Ink

A Late Summer Night

April 4, 2013
By Teddy16 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Teddy16 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A full moon and billions of twinkling stars

The warm summer breeze dancing around this little world

Bare feet running through the summer grass in anticipated silence

Burnt orange flames bursting with the energy of the life around it

Hysterical laughter reverberating through the air

Food flying at those who tease

New secrets told to those who promise

A withered pop up camper smelling of its age

Filled to the brim with the wishes of the night never ending

A radio cranked to it’s maximum volume blaring out the latest hits

Falling asleep too hushed giggles and dying campfire smoke

The author's comments:
i spend my first day of summer with all my close friends so i decided to write about it.

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