Loss of destiny | Teen Ink

Loss of destiny

April 4, 2013
By Faize BRONZE, Bennington, Kansas
Faize BRONZE, Bennington, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Call, Call to that which you hold dear
Hold on to it despite those who sneer
That which is yours, taken by another
Never give up, take it back from the other

Beaten, hurt, betrayed.
Stand up and find the path from which you strayed
Forgive, but never forget
Or take the revenge of which you’re set

“Walk away” they all said
But you cannot, not until the other has bled.
A soul too dark to forgive
Mercy not yours to give

Destiny, a thing so cherished
Stolen, all hope you have to perish
Remember to hate, impotent one
Take back that which was only yours. Oh weak son

Embrace what you locked inside
The demon inside you to none abide
Pray for your enemy
Whos thievery is an unforgivable felony.

A whore, Veiled as innocent.
Desire takes what you feel to love, and leave you desolate
Jealousy brought upon the lie and the betrayal.
Forget to forgive, hate the veil that brought a false portrayal

Whos fault is it of this deception?
Is it yours for your lack of action?
Or hers for her lies and broken promises
Her confusion and love also destructive weaknesses.

Love? What is love?
A thing that once existed but now fades like a dying dove.
A slave to your destiny, but was it your destiny?
Or just a façade with you blinded by false serenity.

Cry again, one time, the last.
And run from it fast
Forget the pain, and forget the hate
This rage, not even revenge can sate.

But why? Why does it feel so right to hate them?
To see the thief burn, to please the feeling long condemned
You know you are not of a forgiving lot
Do not let go of what you sought.

A feeling of pleasure from the thief’s demise.
A fantasy, the feeling of release as the thief lets out his final cries
But also a feeling of pain. To hurt him for his thievery, but to hurt also what you fight for.
Becoming whole in mind is like a series of doors, will letting go open the final door?

Forgive or hate
No matter what your soul must sate
Burn or love
Hold on or let go of your little dove

Forget your Loss of Destiny

The author's comments:
An updated version of a poem i submitted before that got rejected.

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