Destroyer of Dreams | Teen Ink

Destroyer of Dreams

April 8, 2013
By sweetshadow101 BRONZE, Medford, Oregon
sweetshadow101 BRONZE, Medford, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The dark surrounds me
Except for a faint gleam,
Then, this loud noise of morning,
Beep Beep, Ring Ring.

You, destroyer of dreams, fill my head,
My sleepy bedroom eyes open,
Slowly but surely,
Like a thief of my eyes.

Oh give me back just another minute,
Tick tock, Tick tock you say.
You are a trap, there is no
Escaping you.

A digital disrupter,
Around and around you go
With no end in sight,
Why must you be so quick to change
When I need you to stay put?
With one face, and two hands,

You sound like a friend,
But you only remind me of what I’ve lost.
On my nightstand you stay,
To remind me of another
passing day.

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