Forming Styles | Teen Ink

Forming Styles

April 10, 2013
By BrandonS SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
BrandonS SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In movies, there are all these new
Exotic looks with hair
Saying I want that, then
Buying hair gel, you
Get into it; like being


To new hairstyles.

Smelling all sorts of things
Lemony musk, citrus, and

The slick feeling
Like your hands
On a racecar track
Flying though your hair
Little friction

The comb being the
Construction worker, you
The master mind of an architect.
Forming new looks and new dos
Changing the world of fashionable looks.

Being dry, frayed one second
Next wet and slick

After awhile
Hard and stiff
Being a masterpiece by the mastermind.

Just to get a few compliments for the day.

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