Night and Day | Teen Ink

Night and Day

April 7, 2013
By donagheek BRONZE, Havertown, Pennsylvania
donagheek BRONZE, Havertown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He is a humid summer day,
the sky dull and gray,
She is a cold winter snow,
the mounds of white that grow

He is a worn pair of shoes,
for hours over he'd muse,
She is a bright floral dress,
her hair approaching a mess

He is the trunk of the tree,
strong and practical is he,
She is the leaves that change,
onlookers deem her strange

He is the setting sun,
each day it sinks 'til it's done,
She is the morning breeze,
shouting, "wake up, please"

He is the stars in the sky,
luminous but shy,
She is the rain on the roof,
sounding anything but aloof

He is her night,
darkness and light,
She is his day,
witty and gay

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