How could she do that TO ME? | Teen Ink

How could she do that TO ME?

April 12, 2013
By Anonymous

How could she do that to me?
Change so obviously
The consumption of this world ate her alive
And here I stand seeing what has survived
I try to ignore what's in front of eyes
Like the waves of the ocean forgetting the tides
But it gets so hard to try to hide

The secrets stay hidden but haunt me at night
The ripwaves of drugs always at height

The lies linger longer and heavy then her
They grow and grow and so does my hurt

How could you do that to me?
Leave me here with no idol to see
Allow me to watch your walls slowly crumble
And the lies of your life start to tumble

I'm mad
at your ignorance
Your confidence
Your lies

That you think I don't notice
What's in front of my eyes

In your mind all this only hurts you
But knowing your secrets is killing me too

And soon the lies of your old self
Become the truths of your new
As you become a person
I never want to

But I can't say anything
I love you too much
Even though it would it help you, I always stay hushed
Cause i can't risk the family
I don't want them to see
What have become of you and me
And I hate myself but I'm just too weak

So I bottle it up an set it along
The sea to where none can say I am wrong

Yet years to come someone will open it and see
The lies of my sister destroying me

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