The Gods of Thunder | Teen Ink

The Gods of Thunder

April 19, 2013
By Shadowlight PLATINUM, Chatsworth, Georgia
Shadowlight PLATINUM, Chatsworth, Georgia
39 articles 0 photos 8 comments

To many we cause scorn
With our vicious, destructive nature
But it is our beauty that some adorn
Oh, us graceful thunderstorms

To others we cause panic and fright
But to me, all your screams cause is happiness and delight
My exciting and bright jolts of lightning
Along with the tremendous explosions they bring
Don't you see?
They are like an extra morning alarm
Oh, us useful thunderstorms

But no, we never forget
That most of mankind is
And always will be afraid of us
For who we strike
We will sometimes make bets
So, we know that our powerful energy can cause deaths
But by the laws of nature
We were sworn
Oh, us murderous thunderstorms

Though, before you start to hate
Realize what we have done to the human fate
We are the creators of electricity
We are the reason for the power in your homes and cities
So before you associate us with all the evil of a devils' horn
Just understand what we have done for you
Oh, us innovative thunderstorms!

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