Don't Be A Hog Save A Frog | Teen Ink

Don't Be A Hog Save A Frog

April 23, 2013
By GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hopping along the lilypad is a frog
By the stream is a hog
The hog says how do you do
The frog says not good, what about you?
The hog asks why
The frog says I don’t want to say goodbye
The hog looks around and saw no trees
The frog looks down and saw musty leaves
The hog says how
The frog says don’t know.
The hog looks around for other little frogs
But the frog says there were no more little frogs
He says only if he had a invisible cloak
Then maybe his friends wouldn’t have croaked.

Save A Frog
Don’t Be A Hog

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