Searching for Meaning | Teen Ink

Searching for Meaning

April 23, 2013
By The_Confuserister SILVER, Edgecomb, Maine
The_Confuserister SILVER, Edgecomb, Maine
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Last night, I walked
to the window, gazed
out the glass and looked
for something, anything
but the glass shone
through to the gray trees
and bare sky. I hoped
you would see me, find me
know me,
but it was only my window.

I pounded the glass,
beat on the clear shield
until it shattered
into thirty-four sharp
splinters. I cut my
hand, and I wished
you could
see me,
gouged and
with your dark blood.

The author's comments:
This piece is really meaningful to me. It helped me cope through a tough time in my life.

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