My mask | Teen Ink

My mask

April 23, 2013
By GreyRainbows BRONZE, Bluff City, Tennessee
GreyRainbows BRONZE, Bluff City, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no such thing as normal.

I am hideing.
Ashamed of myself.
Shielding myself from anyone else.
Wearing a mask that is so cold to the touch.
Hideing in the shadows.
To scared to go to the light.
I feel so trapped, so alone, but I refuse to talk to anyone.
I am captured in my own emotional
I am slowly suffering, but content.
Slowly being eaten alive by the pain that inflicts me.
Slowly crawling into madness.
But, I'm fine.
I'll put on my malevolent mask and be happy.
Don't worry about me.
You have your own mask to deal with.
Just know that I am slowly dieing..
But, content.

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