Bonds | Teen Ink


April 23, 2013
By ChaseLightining SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
ChaseLightining SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the King does not lead, how does he expect his subjects to follow?

Chains tagged along,
Endlessly Together.
Strung like a red thread
From person to person.
Bound together by fate,
Or perhaps,

Arm in arm,
We walk into the flames
Hand in Hand,
We are bound by fingers.
Connected by a string,
We are friends.

With our fingers,
With our arms,
We defend one another,
With a chain everlasting,
We are invulnerable.
Because now,
We have a bond.

The author's comments:
When you form a friendship with a person, you are connected to them, both as a burden and a strength. Yet when the bond is strong enough, the strength far exceeds the burden.

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