"Goodbye" | Teen Ink


May 1, 2013
By GabNag13 BRONZE, Lakeland, Tennessee
GabNag13 BRONZE, Lakeland, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She spins and twirls
Round round she goes,
Brown hair in curls
Tied ribbons and bows.

A hand held tight
With watchful eye,
She tugs with might
Till soon she cries.

Away she flees
Teared eyed and distant,
“I’m ready please.”
Hands let go, hearts hold on,
Gripping still that moment.

A hand held tight
With watchful eye,
They walk beside
Till soon he cries.

To him she hugs
Though smiles shared,
“Don’t go,” he tugs,
The goodbye unprepared.

That love instilled
Lives on through age,
Still loves, still holds
Tha hand that turned her page.

She spins and twirls
Away she goes,
Brown hair in curls,
Hands let go, Hearts hold on,
A kiss she blows.

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