Two Crazy Friends | Teen Ink

Two Crazy Friends

May 2, 2013
By Anonymous

They are the only two that get me. I am the only one who gets them. Two happy girls with blonde hair and big smiles like mine. Two who are always here. Two crazy friends in a crowd. From the lake I can see them, and we are here together.

Their love is secret. They boom laughter across the water. They turn right and they turn left and dance upon the earth with pretty feet and twirl with swift dresses and shake with sound. This is how they stay.

Let one forget her reason for being, they’d all jump like speakers in a concert, each with their arms up high. Stay, stay, stay, they say when I wake. They smile.

When I am too crazy and too sleepy to stay staying, when i am a small piece against so many people, then it is I who look to friends. When there is nothing left to have they are here. Two who danced without rule. Two who care and do not forget to care. Two whose only reason is to laugh with me.

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