Two flattened arms | Teen Ink

Two flattened arms

May 2, 2013
By chadst.martin SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
chadst.martin SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only two that are put together. I am the only one who controls them. Two flattened arms shaping the platform. Two straight arms guiding the ball. Two straight arms there to make a perfect pass. From my base position I can see the serve, but don’t know where the serve will be aimed towards.
Their position is held. They send thoughts to my head that my pass will be superb. They move up and down, and they move side to side getting down balls up in the air. This is how I pass.
Let two forget their reason for being, they would move in any which direction, getting more red after each pass. Pass, pass, pass, arms are straight out. They are ready to pass.
When I am digging balls up, when I am making perfect passes, then there is a feeling of success throughout my body. When there is no more energy in my body to push myself. Two who keep passing. Two who work hard and do not forget to work hard. Two whose only reason is to pass and pass.

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