Technology | Teen Ink


May 2, 2013
By chadst.martin SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
chadst.martin SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Starting from times where people didn’t have a cell phone, to the present day where more than 95% of our population owns a technological device, technology has come a long way. And, it is still bettering our community.

Picture yourself sitting in a class room eleven years ago, when you had to look through huge textbooks to figure out a simple answer. That was a struggle people had until technology advanced. Lives have been improved by today’s technology, making it easy to figure out information. For example pulling your phone out of your pocket to look up an answer seems so natural that we think nothing of it.

In the future, technology will be even more advanced. I believe every student will be provided with their own laptop or iPad. In the past, kids at were forced to do everything out of textbooks and a notebook. But today, kids are taught to use the internet for every question that they have.

Being taught to use technology is both positive and negative. One negative is being so dependent on one little thing. Although technology is positive, it still may be helpful for people to open up a book and start reading. Technology tends to make people forget what it’s like to do things manually. This could be a negative in the job world where people have to do hands-on work.

All in all, today’s technology has given a different outlook on people and continues to improve every day.

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