Rhythm of Nature | Teen Ink

Rhythm of Nature

May 4, 2013
By SalmaSrour BRONZE, Fairfield, California
SalmaSrour BRONZE, Fairfield, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dance to the melodic rhythm of nature
Listen to the whispered stories of the pine trees
Float above the ocean, lapping against the shore
Fly by the glow of the dim starlight in the balmy midnight air

Carry the moon in a wicker basket, across the sandy beach
Shout on top a mountain, to the heavens above
Catch the falling snowflakes before they disappear
Cry out to the canyons so your voice will echo loud

Sing to the deer, the birds, and the grass
Twirl under the golden rays of the sun
Frolic through a field of fragrant flowers
Swim underneath the pearly foam of a waterfall

Call to the eagle that flies overhead
Dream on the soft sand of the beach
Talk to the ocean, and hear its silent reply
Dance to the melodic rhythm of nature

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece by the beautiful forms of nature around me.

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