Crimson | Teen Ink


May 2, 2013
By CarlyKADJL SILVER, Sanborn, Iowa
CarlyKADJL SILVER, Sanborn, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is one thing to make a choice. It is another thing to never have the chance.

Crimson blood trickles through her gently parted ruby red lips
Her shining blue eyes are suddenly dull and lifeless
My heart breaks as I touch her pale hand
Salty tears silently pour from my gray eyes
She died because of one sentence
No one would care if you disappeared
She slit her throat just to see if it was true
And then it struck me
The note she gave me
Was for you

The author's comments:
I feel strongly about bullying resulting in suicide. This piece is about a girl who was verbally abused by classmates, family, and many other people. She couldn't stand the hurt anymore and she took their words to heart. She killed herself because people made her feel inferior and alone. I hope this can show people what words can do.

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