Darkness of Night | Teen Ink

Darkness of Night

May 8, 2013
By haileycass26 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
haileycass26 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The chilly air is still
and the night is silent.
The only sound is the
scarce whisper of the wind.
No one is around me;
I alone have the night.

The stars glow above me,
the ground rooted below.
The dark stretches for miles,
blanketing the whole town.
Impulse to run, but where?
Anywhere could be home.

Companionless I run,
chasing after freedom.
Farther, farther I go,
till I’m losing myself.
I feel lost and lonely;
I slowly turn back home.

Running back to the known.
Back to where I came from.
Running back to comfort,
beating the sun rising,
turning away from dark,
thinking about freedom.

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