Just A Boy | Teen Ink

Just A Boy

May 8, 2013
By HRawwrrr GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
HRawwrrr GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His eyes are like perfect little pools;
of a beautiful blue.
I could get lost in those gorgeous eyes,
for hours on hours.
His face is perfect and innocent;
yet, strong and very handsome.

Oh! He is truly quite attractive,
but I do not like him.
I promise you I don’t , not like that,
he’s just a boy, after all.
Yes, Just a boy! Nothing more than that,
he is nothing special.

His name? Oh, that’s not important,
because, he is not mine.
My heart doesn't long for his touch,
I swear I haven’t fallen.
He is not more than a boy you see,
that means the world to me.

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