Where im from | Teen Ink

Where im from

May 10, 2013
By chadst.martin SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
chadst.martin SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm from sand filled beaches.
From baby powder and dads cologne.
I am from the waves crashing on the shore.
I am from the playset in the backyard.
The backyard in which hold barbeques and parties.
I am from vacations and celebrating.
From Dan to dawn to megan.
I am from the laughter and the party.
From behaving and from respecting.
I am from non- religious parents and a non- religious family.
I'm from Menomonee Falls, shrimp and lobster, from sitting my grandpa's lap at christmas, to playing with friends, to hopping on the plane and taking off.
I am from warm weather and from paradise.

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