From Where...? | Teen Ink

From Where...?

May 10, 2013
By AngelaGebhard SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
AngelaGebhard SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from the sweet small town of Waukesha,
From the bright green house in the neighborhood,
I’m from the house with the kind parents and wild kids,
Playing and giggles coming from the swingset.

I’m from my Grandma and Grandpa's’ backyard,
From the wild array of cousins sprinting around,
I’m from the splatter of tie-dye all over my clothes,
From the joy and tears, my family and I share.

I’m from the coldest of cold, to the hottest of hot,
From Wisconsin, I am!
I’m from the happiest of joy, but the saddest of damp tears,
From an energetic girl, to a lost uncertain girl.

I am what I am, and you get what you see,
For these memories make me,
From my family, friends, and childhood;
My past, my present, my future, from those; make me.

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