Southern Child | Teen Ink

Southern Child

May 10, 2013
By GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the liberty and the sunkist orange fruits.
From the waving flags of all sorts,
I’m from the plains of the Boomers.
The apple tree daddy cut down,
From the lake when I swim.

I’m from the rustical grounds of Southern Illinois.
From the terrier hunting down his rats.
I’m from the call of God,
From the verses I’ve read and interpreted with granny by my side.

I’m from English blood,
From royalty, tempers, and sports.
I’m from Czech blood,
From Aryan eyes and beer spilling on his chest.
From the family that saw freedom somewhere, somehow.

I am a piece of the future
From a companion and a eye for the last
I’m from the red, the white, and the blue.
The liberty and life, a promise
From God.

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