See The Good | Teen Ink

See The Good

May 11, 2013
By Amelia Holliday BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Amelia Holliday BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People are bad.
People are evil.
Turn on the TV and you'll think that you know this.

People lie.
People hurt others.
But do you always know the reason?

A dog chases a car of an annoyed man.
The man's not aware that in the dogs' eyes,
He's a knight defending his castle from giant machines.

What you might think cruel someone else thinks heroic,
What you might think jealous someone else thinks love.

The world would be lonely,
if all that we see is the bad in others;
The mistakes they've made.

Being human doesn't only mean mistakes,
It means love and compassion for someone, something.

No one does something for nothing at all,
There's always a reason, however small.

Think how happy the world would be,
If every human looked for the light in others,
not darkness.

The good in others is easy to find in some,
and is seemingly impossible in others.

But don't doubt, it's there.

Because how can you be sure if youre in the right,
And another in the wrong without looking closer?

Don't think someone is bad simply because you disagree.
Find the good in others,
And show others the good in you.

You may dislike others because of the bad things they do,
But you're simply making yourself a hypocrite.
You're judging others as they judge you.

Always search for the good in others.
Look through their eyes.

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