Fireworks | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By Amemary2810 BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
Amemary2810 BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We started by writing a love story.

One so timid in the beginning that you'd think we were like the Lion from Oz given so much courage he couldn't keep it from coming through in small bursts.

We were like fireworks.

Our story so taboo that even when we stopped to reread the burnt red writing that cascaded almost endlessly from us, we too were sparked into life.

We were like fireworks.

Often our fire was so bright that the stars would dim as they watched us light the way. So explosive that all the kings men, couldn't put us out again.

We were like fireworks.

Openly we raged on and in the process scarred and melted away everything around us. Until we were the royal couple standing on the ashes of all else below the billowing black.

We were like a firework that someone should have recalled. We spun in all directions, taking flesh and branch while only thinking of our own brilliance.

Only the brightness behind your eyelids left to remind you of the scorching love you'd put out.

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