Falling Towers | Teen Ink

Falling Towers

May 16, 2013
By BethyZ.FC BRONZE, Harmony, Minnesota
BethyZ.FC BRONZE, Harmony, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Falling towers one by one,
Giant steel graves,
Fire fully engulfing everything,
Broken people lying on the ground,
Some had fallen to their deaths,
Others burnt and shattered,

Complete terror,
Smoke everywhere,
Screams, sirens, start to sound the same,
Will anyone ever come?
No hope of rescue from the heavens,
Thoughts of loved ones and friends,
Past, present and future blend together,
Phones dead, just like the broken ones,
Realizing we are not invincible,
We the United States are not invincible,

A call to serve,
Sirens flipped on,
A flag sticker on the truck,
What does that represent anymore?
People are everywhere,
There is no hope of reaching anyone,
At least before it’s too late,

Running in the building,
Smoke everywhere,
People lying broken,

A deathly still,
Will we be able to reach them in time?
All around me,
Eyelids closing shut,
Last breaths used,
Who did these people belong to?
Who would miss them now that they are gone?

Escaping the smoky grates,
Just enough time before they came crashing down,
How did I make it out alive?
Death and destruction everywhere,
Does anyone even care?

The United States are not invincible.
How many people agreed to volunteer that day?
How many suddenly stood to pledge to our flag?
The red, white and blue finally meant something to us as individuals,

But inevitably,
Our patriotism expires as soon as tragedy wears off,
But for who?
How many still endure daily tragedy?
How many count on us to stand behind them,
Only to see they are standing alone.

The author's comments:
Our English teacher assigned a free verse poem. I have always loved writing poetry so I particularly enjoyed this assignment. I am very interesting in inspiring people to be patriotic and support our troops. My whole family is involved in the military somehow, so these subjects come easily to me. This poem is intended to make US citizens to think about what they take for granted and what they have that other countries could only dream of enjoying.

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