“I’m From the East” | Teen Ink

“I’m From the East”

May 10, 2013
By ryanmurray GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ryanmurray GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from the east, a populous land.
From a vast, spacious backyard.
I’m from an abandoned playset.
From Illinois? Keep going.

I’m from long, snowy winters.
From snowmen atop the hills.
I’m from the peaceful, freezing pond.
From Ohio? Keep going.

I’m from a common, public school.
From a five block walk.
I’m from the crisp wind, under feet.
From Pennsylvania? Keep going.

I’m from a baseball legacy.
From the Bronx Bombers swinging three straight.
I’m from ninety-eight to two thousand.
From New York? Yes, indeed.

The author's comments:
My hometown inspired this piece.

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