My Experience Throughout School | Teen Ink

My Experience Throughout School

May 21, 2013
By AngelaGebhard SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
AngelaGebhard SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My high school experience has been anything but normal. I’ve experienced everything from various friend groups, to different grades. But all in all, I am glad with where I’m ending -- I have great friends, and great grades to show off, as well as a great college ahead of me.

High school was going great,until I met the wrong people and started doing the wrong things. Everything went downhill from there, almost making me unable to graduate. At the end of freshman year and my whole sophomore year I basically had straight F’s and D’s, now, I’ve overcome this. I rearranged myself to be with the right people, and to get the right grades, that I know I’m capable of. My capacity is like a road, never ending; always ready to continue.

The greatest thing that happened with this change, is becoming close with my family again. When I was going down the wrong path all my parents did was try to help, but I rejected it, I didn't care, I resented them. If, I could change the past, I completely would, just to show my parents I really did appreciate them, and wouldn’t be where I am now if they didn't care. When I think about my parents, I feel so happy knowing they care. Now, that my life is on track again, I spend so much more time with my parents, I can talk to them about things, and can show them how much they mean to me, and are a big part of my life.

Everyone’s high school experience is unique, but mine was different. It helped me grow and realize the reality of the world, as well as realize who cares and who doesn't. Family is life, without them I can’t go on. Family is a lot more important than friends, they always will be there. As well as grades, well they don't go up by themselves, they’re what you make them, and I’m glad I made mine A’s.

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