Math Vs. English | Teen Ink

Math Vs. English

May 21, 2013
By NatalieSchaefer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
NatalieSchaefer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Most people are either good at math or english. In my case I’m terrible at both. Over the years these have been the toughest subjects for me. Ever since middle school I have never liked either subject because of how poorly I perform in them.

Math is like a roller coaster. Always going up and down. Math is one of those subjects that you either get or you don’t. I have to face the facts that math will never click with me. I’ve always had to put in twice the effect to get to the level of an average math student. Even sometimes, that’s not enough.

English is a puzzle. I enjoy the topic of english but when it comes to grammar and spelling I’m lost. We were taught really young how to properly spell and write but I still mess it up to this day. I have never enjoyed understanding the language of english, or any language for that matter. This makes it even more difficult to succeed in english.

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