Abandoned | Teen Ink


May 23, 2013
By chris5 SILVER, Bluffton, South Carolina
chris5 SILVER, Bluffton, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you have a family?
Do you have brothers or sisters?
Or do you even have a home?
Well if you have any of those things then you’re blessed.

When I was four my mom abandoned me
She left me like an unwanted dog
She left me on the side of the road
Inside a basket wrapped tightly with my blanket

She also left a note saying “please take good care of my baby”
I honestly don’t know if there is love in this world
I have never been loved by someone

Everybody around me treats me different
Like if I was a nobody or invisible
I don’t know how it feels to be happy
My heart is dark and full of hate

At one point of my life I hated god with a passion
For giving me the living style I had
But then I realize that god had always been with me taking care of me
It was peoples bad decision’s that lead me to where I was and what I had become.

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