Bird Song | Teen Ink

Bird Song

June 5, 2013
By Rozzea SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Rozzea SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see them
As they fly away
From this grounded world
We live on
We walk on

They laugh
As they look down
And see us walk
So slow
So caged

They don’t care
What others think
Of them
Because you see
They are as free as the stars

They fly high
High in the sky
To the moon
Around the stars
Farther and farther
I watch them go
I see them leave
I call after
Take me too
But they just fly away.

The author's comments:
i wrote this for school, but i am really proud of it, and i hope people will look under the surface of the poem and find the true meaning.

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