Revolution | Teen Ink


June 10, 2013
By Worane12 BRONZE, Seymour, Missouri
Worane12 BRONZE, Seymour, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
freedom doesn't come free.

I come from a world of greed,
Misfortune, anger, and mead,
Bound to follow
My mother’s hollow life indeed,
But I said nay there is no way
That I’ll follow your life in pursuit,
I’ve carved my own steps
To beat the rest
of all who step before me,
I’ve made a pledge
To even jump off an edge
If my country needs it done,
I plan to serve America Strong
To fight for her hard and long,
I’ll do anything that need be done
Because Red, White, and Blue is number one!

The author's comments:
This poem is very personal to me, because i wrote it about myself, and it's 100% true so please enjoy.

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