~~Halloween Dream~~ | Teen Ink

~~Halloween Dream~~

June 6, 2013
By PorcelainLolita BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
PorcelainLolita BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I died in my dreams reaching out for your hand.

I once had a Dream,
Such a dream that made me want to scream!
Such a place that not even I had ever seen,
For this place was a place of Halloween!
There were skeletons, vampires, ghosts, and ghouls,
Instead of selfish, stupid, lustful, naïve fools.
Those who happily hopped, jumped, and skipped,
Would be terrified by the monsters that jumped out of their crypts!
Those who greet each other by saying “how do you do?”
Would die by the creatures that yell “BOO!”
And the people who don’t normally give a care,
Would be in for a mighty big scare!
And those who loathe being tormented,
Would really loathe the dead bodies being fermented!
These are the things that I love to deem,
And if you don’t like these, you obviously haven’t dreamed.

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