I miss You | Teen Ink

I miss You

June 25, 2013
By Kayla-Bri GOLD, Duchesne, Utah
Kayla-Bri GOLD, Duchesne, Utah
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I miss you..
Why did you have to go,
you were given so many chances,
but you still chose to be bad,
I told you I loved you,
but it was to late,
Your the only one who made me smile,
The one who made me care about grades,
When you left i stopped going,
I couldn't take the pain of not seeing you there anymore,
I cried,
And cried,
And Cried,
You Shane L. I will always love,
I will always care for,
I will never forget you,
Because I can't,
You show up in my dreams just as I think my life is going right,
Your Kiss I will remember until you come again!
I love you,
Always & Forever!

The author's comments:
My first love left after being told many times to stop doing bad things he got sent to a school that is 5-6 hours away i havenmt heard or seen from him since I miss him he was the only one who made me smile!! :'(

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