Inperfect World | Teen Ink

Inperfect World

July 9, 2013
By PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

This life was not what anybody planed it to be. It just happened. We can't predict what s*** we might be stuck with the rest of our lives but guess what we can learn from it. The pain that comes is from this inperfect world. This might not be what you imagined, but it will get better over time. This inperfect world need us to change it. Create it into or fairy tale. What fairy tale you know that does'nt come with drama. Ofcourse you want the guy of your dreams but sweetie you need to wake up sometimes you don't get what you want in this inperfect world. Sometimes you push and shove, but i want you to really ask youself why do i try so hard to do something when i know it can come on its own if it want. Well my life ain't perfect its inperfect cause  ain't trying to be perfect. I want the plan that god planned for me yeah i've had suicidal days and too many happy days but i'd givegive this inperfect life just to be god's daughter. Yeah i finally figured out that i wanted to be hs daughter i just don't know why i push good things away. I've lost good people and great friends. But i know they looking down at me cause i ain't giving up and neither should you. Stand till your feel break, run till you collasped, talk till you cant talk no more, laugh till you teeth fall out, care till forever is over and mainly love til your heart is healed. Cause This Is An Inperfect World.

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