Unlocked and Barren | Teen Ink

Unlocked and Barren

July 6, 2013
By Phia10 GOLD, Seattle, Washington
Phia10 GOLD, Seattle, Washington
11 articles 0 photos 4 comments

As the night goes dim, as does my heart
As the days tick by,
we grow apart.

The feelings gone,
loved no more,
once friends forever
now I'm not sure.

My heart beats fast when I see you near,
if only you saw what I see my dear
the nonchalant grin,
the quiet insecurities

those small things that we sometimes loose
when we take for granted what we've always had,
and forget to breathe,
and laugh,
and just be glad.

I wish I could
I really do,
I wish I could love you,
but for all my trying and for all my fear,
I just can't let go my dear

of the hurt I've felt
and the pain I've been through,
at the hands that was someone like you,
a quick grin here
and small glance there

making me feel like I was the dance to your dream.

I felt it once, and it struck back,
a blow so big I haven't yet bounced back,
I want to forget,
yet I need to cling
to that feeling,
so astonishing.

It knocks the breathe right out of your lungs
you can't seem to let go of it,
it stays.

I want to let go, I want to care,
I want to touch you everywhere.

I want my love,
I want it now,
but I can't seem to get up off the ground.
My delicate heart has felt so much,
I don't know how much more it can stand,

I want to love,
but I need to not.
When I find the one who can unlock this heart, who can make it right to feel like I did,
who can make me smile and not worry again
I'll keep you forever,
but don't you dare,
unlock this heart,
then leave it bare.

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