Has My Eyes | Teen Ink

Has My Eyes

July 20, 2013
By mnandaku GOLD, Markham, Other
mnandaku GOLD, Markham, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tucked me in at night,
Checked for monsters,
You’d always protect me,
Is precisely what you said,
Never kept your word.
I fear what vows to protect me,
What claims to love me.
The monster isn’t under my bed,
Nor in my closet,
He has no claws,
No fangs,
He snarls,
He roars,
The monster has my eyes,
The monster has my smile,
The monster lies in Mama’s bed

The author's comments:
Has My Eyes- Maya is describing her abusive father as this beast, who once promised to protect her and then became her biggest fear. As much as she hates him, she realizes apart of him will always exist in her.

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