Fading Faces | Teen Ink

Fading Faces

July 25, 2013
By ZackW BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ZackW BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Faces fade
People change their ways
A name floating with the wind
A memory slowly floating away
Some of us may choose to lunge for it
The lucky few just wonder what it can see from up their
But everyone else will never learn to just let it fly on it’s own
We can let go of our own kid riding a bike for the very first time
But as the memory of them flying over the sidewalk squares fades
We will keep gripping it harder, just like we promised we’d hold the bike
But as we age the nursing homes take care of us like we did our tyke
We will regret the times the world treated us like its personal maids
When we were too angry to speak and communicated like a mime
When your heart feels a pain too great to utter a single a moan
And it has been broken so much you have forgotten how to care
We may learn to crawl from the pit
We might finally learn to say
Change treats the world kind
Memories are not mainstays
Memories are made

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