Two Worlds | Teen Ink

Two Worlds

August 8, 2013
By kittenmiyaaa SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
kittenmiyaaa SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The strongest people aren't always the ones that win, but the people who don't give up when they lose. - Ashley Hodgeson

I close my eyes
And take a breathe
To hear your voice inside my head.

You take my hand
And lead me out
So we can dance away our doubt.

I think of you,
You think of me,
We both then smile innocently.
We turn our eyes up to the stars
Because tonight
The sky is ours.

I can't deny that I am living in two worlds;
I'm drowning in an ocean of emotions.
When I dream of your face,
And I forget about the space,
It's like you're really standing there right by my side,
And a million miles could never break this love
Of you and I.

So here I am;
What's left of me
Should I lose you
My soul would bleed.

But I'll just smile
And hold on tight
Our love is strong,
But I'll have to fight for you.

I can't deny that I am living in two worlds;
I'm drowning in an ocean of emotions.
When I dream of your face,
And I forget about the space,
It's like you're really standing there right by my side,
And a million miles could never break this love
Of you and I.

The author's comments:
The pains of a long distance relationship.

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