Daisy | Teen Ink


September 2, 2013
By klopez23 SILVER, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
klopez23 SILVER, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My soul grazes like a lamb on the beauty of an indrawn tide."

I lay here. The weight of my heavy hair lifted off my shoulders and weaving through the damp grass. The wind making the flowers sway and the sun causing my eyes to squint. The dandy lion’s rawring and parading their proud yellow petals.

My mind has gone blank, I am no longer thinking, just listening. Listening to the sound of my soft breaths. Watching as the bees fly over me, not even afraid that they might sting me. It’s almost as if I cannot feel, but at the same time I do feel. I feel the tiny white feathery wishing weeds brush my eyelashes. I close my eyes.

I close my eyes…I see it. The long daisy stem that once sat beside me is now extended up, begging for me to climb it. Like a ladder or a stairway, I reach my tiny hands up and grab on. I pull myself up higher and higher. If I look up, I can see my destination, the beautiful vibrant yet soft petals of the daisy. If I look down, I can see my starting place, my body, lying pleasantly in the grass, eyes shut and dreaming.

I keep climbing, almost endless, my body is tired. I am worn. No longer excited to reach the top, it’s so far away. The white petals I see above me start to wilt, curling in on each other and turning to an ugly brown color. My arms start to shake, I can’t hold on anymore.

Back to reality and my brown eyes open abruptly. Lying in the grass I feel bigger than ever, squashing the grass beneath me. The sun is now setting. The wind blows icy cold, and bites my cheeks. The clouds turn a pale shade of grey. And out of nowhere, I hear the sound of a lawn mower.

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