When the World Gets Better | Teen Ink

When the World Gets Better

September 23, 2013
By Tierrad BRONZE, Burton, Michigan
Tierrad BRONZE, Burton, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Im gonna go to sleep just like i should wake me up when the world gets good, Im going to my room not coming out til I get an explanation of what this is all about,Im going into hiding far far away please wake me up some time some day, Ill come out when things turn around until its better Ill hide nowhere to nbe found, Ill be in my dreams far outta this world where i can live the life of a young happy girl .

The author's comments:
I was sitting one day about how great it would be to wake up and have everything be good again and wrote this piece while the subject was on my mind then after writing it decided that I wanted to share it with others .

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 25 2013 at 1:24 am
SpidersAcrossStars PLATINUM, Hayward, California
36 articles 0 photos 160 comments

Favorite Quote:
For you, a thousand times over.

wow i really like this. Its very beautiful in a sad way. It really touched me especially with some stuff going on in my life right now and just seeing the condition of the world. We need Jehovah God to save us. Loved this. Nice work. If i was an editor i would publish this, maybe they will. :) gonna vote....