Has it yet clicked ? | Teen Ink

Has it yet clicked ?

September 23, 2013
By Tierrad BRONZE, Burton, Michigan
Tierrad BRONZE, Burton, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I dont need a doctor but I am sick yoou may be confused soon it will click, Im sick in a different way sickof seeing people in pain, sick of seein bullies as well sick of wanting to scream and yell , sick of abusers sick of wrong sick of struggling to stay strong, sick of betrayal sick of hurt sick of bein treated like dirt, sick of those who cheat and abuse sick of being so confused, Im well but still so sick but not ill has it yet clicked ?

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because honestly i need to let it out and because I want others who feel the same way to know theyre not alnoe

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