Life Philosophy | Teen Ink

Life Philosophy

September 26, 2013
By ShakespeareanAlice GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
ShakespeareanAlice GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someone has to win the Nobel Peace Prize, someone has to be a ballerina, why not us? -Carson Phillips, Struck By Lightning

A question that brings together age-old philosophies with your own
A single question of what life is, beyond the science of a living being,
Is your life decided by the ability to think and to process?
Or is it decided by the simple ability to die?
Is your life equal to how much you have loved, or your scores on a test?
Is your life equal to how successful you were? And what even is successful?
Life is one big mystery formed up of smaller mysteries and it keeps going on forever
As such it can never be fully understood, certainly it can not be defined by one single person
Because life is not a question of science but a question of philosophy.
And yes, certain parts of life can be explained using science
It explains how our bodies function and how the bodies of things much different function,
Does living require you to be able to think? To feel?
Science would say no, life is a matter of cells and reactions and it is all so neat and simple
It is taught in science classes, beaten into our heads that this is what life is.
It is not taught to us how little we understand life, how much of the brain is a complete mystery
We are not taught that we should think, that we should debate and come to our own conclusions
We are taught to memorize until the information is changed and then we will memorize that
And the cycle will keep going because we were never taught the philosophy of life.
I cannot tell what life is, I cannot tell what anyone else thinks, I cannot even tell what I think.

The author's comments:
A piece I did when Studying Hamlet as as a soliloquy about the meaning of life.

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