The KEY to My Heart | Teen Ink

The KEY to My Heart

September 30, 2013
By EchelonZ333 BRONZE, Frankfort, Indiana
EchelonZ333 BRONZE, Frankfort, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Bowties are cool."-The Eleventh Doctor

You make my heart as soft
as your warm, brown eyes.
You mold me to be your own.
I am happy to be what you want,
because I feel this way.
After her, I never thought that I
could feel like this again.
You are the KEY to my heart.
Even though you don't feel the same,
I don't care a bit.
I am more than happy to be your friend.
I feel warm when I see you.
Fulfilled when I make you smile.
Useful when you talk to me.
Your amazing laugh, your perfect hair,
your talent, your passion, your warm brown glare.
I don't care that you don't feel the same,

The author's comments:
This is just another silly poem about a better girl. Not like the blue eyed one at all. :s Thank God.

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