Love. | Teen Ink


October 16, 2013
By ChaseLightining SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
ChaseLightining SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the King does not lead, how does he expect his subjects to follow?

What is love?
Is it the way I walk?
Or is it how you smile?
Perhaps both?
Is it how you hold a pencil?
Or how I erase furiously?
Maybe Nether.

Here’s my theory.
Love is a sickness.
It tears you up,
It changes you,
And eventually it will take something.

Love is cruel.
Love is fake.
Love breeds hate.
It creates ripples in life.
And it will cause you to look in a mirror.

Love is non-existent.
Love is a lie.
Love is everything I hate.

Why do I wonder?
With no clear definition,
I still want to know.
I still want to ask,

Do you
Will you
Still love me?

The author's comments:
Just a simple piece. A curiosity I pursued one night. I was asked by my girlfriend at the time I wrote this. Of course, I said yes. It was the expected response when a person asks this question. But I asked myself later that night, what is love?

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