The Lie | Teen Ink

The Lie

October 16, 2013
By ChaseLightining SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
ChaseLightining SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the King does not lead, how does he expect his subjects to follow?

People Lie,
Lies surround us,
Our world was built
With lies to control us
Everyone lies,Including you and your

If you,
Say you’ve never
Lied then you are

The mere thought of a lie,
Is a lie.
The thought you hate lies,
Is a lie
The lie you think you hear,
Is a lie.
The reason people lie
is because there is something that they seek
Ether if its
Power,to control

Lies are in everything and everyone
Lies are here and there
Lies are a Lie We are a lie.
This is a lie.

The author's comments:
When you look at the world and what it was built with, lies are the fondations for everything. When writing this I thought about the thousands of times I've lied and been lied to in my life. It's saddening to think about how easily our societies would crumble without lies. Lies can help, and lies can hurt. Or rather, that is the only function of a lie, whether it hurts oneself or the ones around you. A lie is a double edged sword, where the only thing you can decide is who is hurt, and who are you helping?

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