Occupancy | Teen Ink


October 16, 2013
By KatieFaga SILVER, Holland, Michigan
KatieFaga SILVER, Holland, Michigan
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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God wrecked the plans I created to wreck myself

I’m not sure what’s going on anymore, inside my head I mean. It’s like my body has finally let go of every fighting fiber it had held on to all this time, and now I just occupy this confused exhaustion. I dont know how to explain it really. Before about a month ago, I would fight and kick and scream and yell and sob, because of just how hurt I was. But now? Now i just embrace it, and accept it as becoming okay. This terribly okay hell. Reguardless of how absolutely beautiful and wonderful something may be, I just, I don’t care anymore. It’s like if you pictured yourself with outlets all over your body. And in all of those outselts, was a plug, leading to a cord. Each of those cords represents something you love, or something that gives you life. But, over the past five years, people began to tug and pull on my cords, ripping some of them out of me, leaving that part of me, burned out, and lifeless. But, perhaps a month ago, someone ripped out the last one, leaving my body to cripple, and double over, shutting completely down. Leaving me to be vultured by darkness. And maybe that’s where the story ends. As a human given a good run, on a losing team, with ambitions to the moon, but no such things as spaceships. And maybe that’s okay.

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