The Accident | Teen Ink

The Accident

October 26, 2013
By spiel SILVER, Elmira, Michigan
spiel SILVER, Elmira, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

On that October day, when hail poured down on the earth
On your way to work, trying to support your young self.
As the conditions were not the greatest.
You were losing control, barreling, rolling through the ditch, slamming against a that tree
Thoughts rumbling flying through your head, like a piece of paper flying through the windy air.
Family… Friends… Life… Death…
Ambulances cruising through the city lights of those Northern Michigan small towns
To rescue, a son, a brother, a cousin, a boyfriend, a co-worker, and most of all a loved one by many
Although, you are not perfect at the moment. You will be back in no time
As you lie awake in pain in that hospital bed, you know your loved ones are waiting
The doctors perform emergency surgery. Your body being cut open, replacing bones with rods in that dis mantled vertebrae.
The doctors give you a 10% chance of walking. This won’t stop you from doing what you do best
Positive attitudes fill the room and we as a family say “he will need our help.”
You are so unselfish asking your sister “why is she with you instead of at school?”
I and many others call you our hero. We are all here with you fighting by your side
Team Jacob Baier will be there by your side encouraging and pushing you to walk again
Many people would ask “why does this happen to such great people.” Well its life and God has a plan
He does some great things. If you have him, you will be just fine!
The words “I’m alive, and I’m okay.” Says what kind of person you are
You will walk again
I can easily call you MY HER, Jacob B.

The author's comments:
My cousin was faced with some incredible circumstances, as he was in a car accident and only has a 10% chance he will walk again. I had to get some untolerable feelings off my chest.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 29 2013 at 12:15 pm
lakekid33 SILVER, Hartville, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Wow. I really felt the passion you put in this poem. Great job, keep doing your thing!