Is it worth it? | Teen Ink

Is it worth it?

October 31, 2013
By Chey1 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
Chey1 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Gunshots are heard
A sound that is all too familiar to the human race
A sound that revolves around violence

Bodies lay lifeless on the ground
They will never move
They will never see
They will never speak
And they will never return to their loved ones
Ever again

How many die
How many have their lives cut short
How many grieve the loss of someone
All because of war

Is it worth it
To fight a battle that will kill thousands
To fight a battle that has no good reason to be fought
To fight a battle until almost everyone is dead

How can this help
When all it does is ruin lives

Why do we fight
Why can’t we learn to act civilized

We say we are against murdering the innocent
We say we are civilized
But are we

The author's comments:
I don't remember when I wrote this, or why for that matter. I just recently found it in my old computer files so I decided to share it. Please, please comment.

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