A Winding Race | Teen Ink

A Winding Race

November 14, 2013
By Chaddrick BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
Chaddrick BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When all is said and done, more is said than done.

Breathless, I ran towards the tyranny of the troubled world. Confusion sinking in, I had grasped the solitude of unearthed emotion, a power only given to the controllers of common men. My head spun in a mechanic fashion; experiencing unorthodox vertigo, I slouched down into a fetal position, crying to command my temple to full vulnerability, all while wishing for the protection of fear. To recognize danger as a gift from the universe, assuming that the world was a place of mystique, a ball of oddities; knowledge being of the simplest aptitude, no longer would pleasure define torture. Reality now being seen as a mirage, the telling of pain and glory now fading into complete indistinctness; exploring orifices of artistic nature and burgeoning thought; I now knew seeing was merely being blind. Guilt now fell from the heavens, landing on my aura, crushing my soul under the weight of my own conscience. With all hope now pleating, myself now lying there upon the sinister concrete, a beam of light battled with the darkness of the atmosphere; and it was in that very instant that all traces of despair receded and I began to regain my breath. Still too weak to move alone, I found myself being carried by faith in humanity and supported by faith in the unimaginable. I now knew it wasn’t the finish line I was after in life, it was simply being a part of this winding race.

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